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Things To Do Immediately About Accountancy

which takes us into the Edit  screen Adelaide Accountancy which has various columns in the  center column we have all our expense  category names and you can set those up  any way you would like to the right we  have split percentages between business  and personal

so for example if you have  an automotive expense or you have a car  that you’re using eighty percent for  business and let’s say twenty percent  for personal and you can scroll through  and change that then you simply set up  your ratios here later when you do your  entries and you’re going to see that in  a few minutes when we show you some  entries

you have the option to choose  from business only personal only or a  split between the two if you choose  split it automatically calculate your  entry based on the ratios you place here  the same for home office expenses if you  have a home office and you have an  electric bill come in and you want to  split that ten percent to business and  ninety percent personal you simply set  it up here the way you would like and  choose split on the entry  and the math will get done for you on  the left side of the screen we have  items to be here appear on a business

  financial statement so if it’s a  business related items such as bank  charges make sure you leave that check  mark on that way that item will appear  on your business financial statement if  it’s a personal item and it’s not  business related such as cable TV leave  it unchecked and that way it will not  show up in your business statement but  only on your overall once you’re done  click close that takes us back to our  main edit screen and the very bottom

section we have pre written descriptions  so instead of writing out your  descriptions for your repetitive entries  you can choose them off this list and  we’re going to show you an example of  how that works when we do our entries  there’s also sort buttons so if you like  you can sort these by alphabetically  once you’re done click Save Changes and  it’ll take us back to our main working  screen okay so we’ve created our  bookkeeping file and we’ve completed the  setup so